Thoughts on a passage from "Ramana Maharshi: Teachings of Self-Realization" by Robert Wolfe
I'm reading through "Ramana Maharshi: Teachings of Self-Realization" by Robert Wolfe. It's written as if someone is having a Q&A session with Ramana, with the answers being a collection of his teachings. This is a quote that spoke to me today:
"When once you realize your own Self,
and that there is nothing other than this Self,
you will come to look upon the whole universe as the Self....
The totality of all things and beings constitute Self."
This simple statement strikes me as something that could change the world if everyone took some time to contemplate it. If we taught this from day one to our children, they would grow to be compassionate citizens of the universe. We could include it in our personal conversations with them, and we could integrate it into every aspect of their education, discussing the implications in more detail as they grew.
What a beautiful world it would be if everyone saw themselves not as separate individuals, but as part of a whole—a whole that includes every person, animal, plant, and rock; every whirlwind, ocean, and star. Would we not be more apt to care for and love our neighbors if we saw them as part of the Self? This Self does not recognize religion, national identity, or race…it just is.
It can be difficult when you are raised with a set of beliefs. Many are brought up with the belief that they are unique, that they must forge their identity to make their own special place in the world. They are taught to "get ahead" and "look out for number one." They are taught that their religion, race, nationality, or social class is superior, and that those who are not like them are lesser and do not deserve to be heard, or that they must be converted somehow.
Although these and other ideas of self-identity are the norm in most societies, it doesn’t have to be that way. You and I can help by teaching our children well, and by loving everyone and everything as they are, not as we wish they could be. Love is healing and unifying, and it is even easier when you realize that when you love, you love the Self, and that is all there is.